ShipAnt After sale mainly includes 2 parts if we help you purchase from 1688 Taobao. the first part is after QC we will help you exchange or return the products with flaws, the second part is after package shipping from China.

Due to 1688 Taobao 7 days free return and exchange policy, ShipAnt warehouse will help you QC and return the flaw or damaged products to 1688 Taobao dropshipping suppliers within 7 days to ensure the products quality before they ship from China.

Once package shipped from China, if the clients

  • Havent received packages after long time
  • Received packages with broken items
  • Received packages with lost items
  • Received packages with wrong items
  • Lost packages
  • Package returned to seller
  • Failed to track package

You can provide the order ID for us to follow up and update solutions.