How to source reliable dropshipping suppliers from China? How to source quality products at cheap cost? What’s the best Chinese sourcing agent? ShipAnt aimed to help you source quality dropshipping suppliers from China 1688 Taobao and other online platforms as well as some reliable dropshipping suppliers we collected in the past years.

With ShipAnt sourcing purchasing service, we will help you source and filter dropshipping suppliers with exactly the same product selling on your store, confirm material, color, size, stock, price, weight and volume then help you estimate total cost compare to the dropshipping cost on Aliexpress.

If you have best seller products in your store, we will help you filter 2 to 3 qualified dropshipping suppliers to make samples and compare price, material, workmanship with photos or videos in ShipAnt warehouse, then help you select the best supplier to wholesale for more cheaper and competitive price.