The TikTok video marketing effect of toys is amazing for long time. A large number of young TikTok users are looking for interesting, attractive, and real content all the time. Therefore, shared videos for toys on the platform are often easier to attract users’ attention. Toy products such as finger spinner and Magic Fog Pot are not only popular among users, but also make many bloggers who bring goods on the platform earn a lot of money. Thus tiktok has been seen as a very good product selection platform for many Shopify sellers. Recently, we noticed a toy brand seller on TikTok, who made two toy products popular in just 7 days in the USA, which may become the hottest toy category in 2023. If you dropshipping toys on Shopify, you can also take as a reference.

In early April 2023, a video with goods released by TikTok blogger @carina_bestie unexpectedly became popular. In the 55-second video, the blogger demonstrated in detail the gameplay of a puzzle game console from the first perspective. It is understood that this is a toy product called “Super Pop It Sensory Decompression Game Machine”. The game is equipped with four game modes-challenge, memory, scoring and multiplayer game modes, which are suitable for individuals to play in their spare time, or invite friends to compete online, which greatly enhances the playability of the game.


The blogger also showed how to play challenging levels in the video. When the game starts, the button lights will start to flash, and the player can successfully enter the next level by pressing all the flashing buttons correctly. The difficulty increases with the increase of the level.

Since its release, this highly interesting game console has attracted the attention of many TikTok users for a while. Although the video length is nearly 1 minute, the completion rate is extremely high. As of the date of publication, the video has received 20.2 million views, 2.1 million likes and more than 8,000 user comments. In the comment area, “This toy is cool” became the comment with the highest number of likes. In addition, many people think that this toy is simply “the gospel of ADHD”, and some users think that it can “effectively let me get rid of the control of the mobile phone.” , and there are countless users asking for purchase links. Let’s see how we dropship the toy from 1688 at cheap cost.


As we can saw from the photo, the factory supplier all sell tens of thousands per month, the top1 factory sold 2 million+ yuan. You are welcome to inquire ShipAntiIf you interested dropship from 1688 with the same toy on your Shopify store.

Coincidentally. On April 11 2023, another account of the blogger, @carina_beastie, also posted a “trial video” that went viral, with over 10 million views and an astonishing 20.7 million views. The hottest toy product is an interactive game machine called “Super Slide” puzzle sliding puzzle. Players need to set up the game according to the LED, use their brains to move the target block to the automatic detection area to pass.


It is not difficult to find from the video comment area that this product is also favored by many TikTok users, and most of the messages are asking about purchase channels. It is foreseeable that, affected by the cultivation of these two popular TikTok videos, it is bound to bring extremely high traffic conversion to the product. The TikTok’s operating model has also aroused the interest of many ecommerce sellers for being able to bring out two explosive videos in a row in just a few days.


If you interested in dropship the giiker puzzle toy you can inquire ShipAnt to help you dropship from 1688.  Under normal circumstances, TikTok videos can be popular, likes, reposts, and comments after broadcasting. Four data are indispensable, and the most important of them is the completion rate. The completion rate will not only be recommended by the system to judge the weight of the video, but also the standard for recording the single playback volume of the video. Most videos generally have the highest completion rate within 15 seconds.  However, unlike other popular videos that are as short as five or six seconds and as slow as ten seconds, the duration of the two popular videos is close to one minute. Why can they get a total of more than 40 million views? It should be under the following reasons:

First, there is the viewing experience. This kind of video of game trial from the first perspective has an excellent look and feel, and the visual effect of the game is very good.

Secondly, the gameplay is novel. The two game consoles in the video have the characteristics of high playability and novel gameplay, which can easily capture the curiosity of the audience. Although the videos are all live clips, the blogger not only shows the features and gameplay of the toy in the video, but also shares the gameplay experience of the toy through the trial process, which makes the content of the edited content very complete and drives the audience’s desire to continue watching .

Finally, there is the popularity of the platform. Educational and stress-relief game toys are extremely popular, especially innovative educational toys have always been very popular on TikTok, which is why they may become popular.

Thus if you want to select hotsale toys for Shopify dropshipping from Tiktok, the above 3 points are very important. Once you selected hot toy products from Tiktok, we can help you source toys from 1688 taobao pinduoduo or other channels at cheap cost within 7 to 15 days delivery.